Press Release—March 2017
ind gusts of up to 22 mph did not stop community representatives from celebrating a new ground breaking in Frankenmuth on Wednesday.
Construction crews will start on the project called Uptown North Main in time for spring and is slated to be completed by December 2017.

Representatives attending the event included Frankenmuth City Council, Frankenmuth City Staff, Frankenmuth EDC, Frankenmuth Chamber & CVB, Neighborhood Mortgage Solutions, My Member Insurance Agency, Spence Brothers, Saginaw Future, Frankenmuth Credit Union and others.
This new development will certainly accomplish the goals of Frankenmuth Credit Union but we also hope it will be a catalyst for future business growth in the area, said Vickie Schmitzer, Frankenmuth Credit Union CEO.
The facility will house Neighborhood Mortgage Solutions, My Member Insurance Agency and a banquet facility for 280 to 300 people and an executive conference room for up to 80 people that will be available to schedule an event in early 2018.
Local businesses Kremin Inc. and Star of the West provided assistance for the event.